Bringing systems together for caregivers
Supporting individual caregivers can create important changes within families, but it does not address the bigger issues that affect families’ abilities to access services and supports.
In addition to direct supports for caregivers, KinCarolina is working to help child- and family-serving systems work together better for kinship families.

The KinCarolina Advisory Council is made up of kinship caregivers and professionals from agencies and organizations in the Midlands and across South Carolina, including child welfare, mental health, and education.
The Advisory Council brings together people with lived and professional experience to support program development and improve service delivery for kinship families raising children with disabilities.
Below is a list of our current professional Advisory Council members. KinCarolina’s Peer Liaisons can also serve on the Advisory Council.
Name | Organization |
David Ansong | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
Bryan Boroughs | Furman University |
Crystal Campbell | Dorchester County First Steps |
Rachal Hatton-Moore | First Steps South Carolina/South Carolina Early Childhood Advisory Council |
Kimberly Humphrey | South Carolina Department of Education |
Nicole Jimerson | The Ari Advocacy Center |
Jena Martin | BabyNet |
LaShunda Stewart | Counseling for Hope and Healing |
Khalilah Sumners | HALOS |
Amanda Whittle | South Carolina Department of Children’s Advocacy |